Tuesday, July 22, 2008


It has been a LONG time since I've posted a blog. I've got to become better at this if I expect reach my goal of world domination. Anyways, just got back on Sunday from sunny (smoggy) Southern California. Melissa and I were sponsors on the youth leadership trip to Saddleback for the Purpose Driven Student Leadership Conference (a mouthful). The conference was great and I really enjoyed getting away with my wife. We have, quite possibly, the greatest youth ever. I look forward to seeing what God inspires them to do this year.

Lots of new song inspiration while at SB. It seemed to be a tribute to HSUnited and Fee. But, I like both of those composers. So, it was enjoyable and God was honored. Look for some new stuff to make it's way into the 10:45...

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate this one into worship...(see below, you've gotta watch it to the end)


Anonymous said...

Gotta love that video, Jamie... hahah very interesting idea of trying to incorporate that into worship... -Erin Lewis

Jamie Duke said...

Having a youth choir sing "Bohemian Rhapsody" might really spice things up...

Greg said...

so much for world domination. 3 months? come on, man!